Riverty Matching Module

Riverty Matching Module & Exact Online

Our application for Riverty Matching Module for Exact Online offers companies an efficient and automated way to manage their financial administration. This application streamlines the reconciliation process, saving companies time and improving the accuracy of their financial records.

Reconciling payments and invoices is a time-consuming process and can cause errors when done manually. With the Riverty Matching Module for Exact Online, companies can automate this process and minimize the risk of errors.

How it works?

The application works as follows: when a payment comes in via Riverty, it is automatically linked to the corresponding invoice in Exact Online. This is done by smart algorithms that compare the Riverty transaction data with the invoice data in Exact Online. Once the link is made, the payment is automatically reconciled and updated in the company's financial administration.

Saves time and minimizes errors

The use of our Riverty Matching Module for Exact Online offers many advantages. First, it saves time and minimizes errors in the reconciliation process. In addition, it reduces the administrative burden on finance staff, giving them more time to focus on other important tasks.

Support 24/7

Our application integrates easily with the company's existing Exact Online account and offers a seamless user experience. We also provide full support and training to our customers so that they can get the most out of our application.

In short, the Riverty Matching Module for Exact Online is a valuable tool for companies that want to streamline their financial administration and make it more efficient. With this application, companies can automate their reconciliation process and minimize errors, resulting in higher efficiency and accuracy of their financial records.


Riverty & Exact Online

  • Automatically import payouts
  • Automatically matching orders
  • Up to 500 transactions p/m


Riverty & Exact Online

  • Automatically import payouts
  • Automatically matching orders
  • Up to 1xxx transactions p/m


Riverty & Exact Online

  • Automatically import payouts
  • Automatically matching orders
  • Up to 1xxxx transactions p/m
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