Beta Mode


Our current application is in beta mode

Our current application is in beta mode, and this means that all its features and services are available free of charge for the time being. We do not have a specific date set for the official launch at this moment.

During the beta phase, we are actively seeking user engagement and feedback to improve the application. We believe that by offering it for free, we can encourage users like you to explore its functionality and report any issues or suggestions you may have. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us refine the application and make it as robust as possible.

Since we don’t have a set date for the official launch, we rely on our users to be our partners in this journey. If you come across any problems, encounter bugs, or have any suggestions for improvement, we encourage you to notify us. Your input will help us fine-tune the application, ensuring that it meets the needs and expectations of our users. We are grateful for your collaboration in this beta testing phase, and together, we can make the application the best it can be.

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